How Our Car Accident Lawyer in Valley Stream Can Help You

Car accidents are common in Valley Stream. But their frequency does not make them any easier to deal with – p especially the serious ones. Injury victims seeking maximum compensation payouts for their losses need an experienced Valley Stream, NY, car accident lawyer to navigate the claims process, or they risk getting paid far less compensation than they deserve.

If you have been in a car accident in Valley Stream, you likely want to settle your case as quickly as possible and move on. But before accepting an insurance company offer, you need to know the true value of your claim. An insurance company will not tell you this. You must speak with a car accident attorney to get a fair appraisal.

If you need help claiming compensation after a car accident in Valley Stream, NY, look no further than Tucker Lawyers. We offer free consultations with an experienced Valley Stream, NY car accident lawyer. Call (516) 399-2364  today!

Why Choose Us?

At Tucker Lawyers, we draw from a vast well of experience when fighting for your compensation. Our Valley Stream, NY, car accident lawyers have a deep understanding of the compensation process and use every bit of knowledge and skill to recover maximum compensation.

When you choose Tucker Lawyers, you get a firm with:

  • Decades of combined legal experience helping clients recover compensation
  • A track record of millions of dollars of compensation payouts for clients
  • Individually tailored representation for each car accident client
  • 24/7 availability for client issues and concerns.

Are you ready to take the next step toward recovering funds for your losses? Call the car accident team at Tucker Lawyers and schedule a free consultation with an experienced Valley Stream car accident lawyer. Learn how much compensation you may be entitled to.

Common Damages in Valley Stream, NY, Car Accident Cases

Various Types of Compensation May Be Available for Your Losses

Depending on the circumstances of your Valley Stream car crash, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation. In New York, compensation for minor car accidents comes from each driver’s own personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. However, PIP does not cover noneconomic losses and only covers a portion of an accident victim’s lost wages.

For more serious accidents, the full range of personal injury damages is available for victims, including full compensation for lost wages and compensation for various noneconomic losses. However, the claimant must prove that the other driver was negligent, which is not a requirement for PIP compensation.

Economic Damages

Economic damages address economic losses such as:

  • Medical care expenses
  • Wages lost due to missed work
  • Expenses related to medical care, such as travel costs.

Economic damages also cover property damages, such as damage to a vehicle.

Noneconomic Damages

You may also claim noneconomic damages for intangible losses, such as:

These costs are naturally harder to quantify, but a car accident lawyer can help put a number on them so you can pursue the compensation you need.

Have you been in a car accident in Valley Stream, NY? If so, call for a free consultation with an experienced Valley Stream, NY, car accident lawyer at (516) 399-2364.

FAQs About Valley Stream Car Accidents

At Tucker Lawyers, we want you to understand as much about the compensation process as necessary to make you feel comfortable and confident. Please peruse the following Q&A and give us a call if you have any more questions.

  • What are some of the most common types of car accidents?

    Accidents can typically fit within one of a few different categories:

    • T-bone accidents
    • Accidents caused by sideswipes
    • Head-on crashes
    • Rear-end accidents
    • Flipover and rollover accidents.

    Common types of accidents also include single-car accidents, where a driver might crash into property, debris, or animals.

  • Will I need to pay upfront fees to hire a car accident lawyer in Valley Stream?

    No. You pay nothing upfront, and you pay nothing unless your Valley Stream car accident lawyer is successful in recovering compensation on your behalf.

  • How long do I have to file a lawsuit or make a claim?

    You have three years to file a lawsuit against the negligent driver. For compensation claims against insurance companies, you must follow the claims deadlines found in each company’s policy provisions.

  • What are some common causes of accidents?

    There are many causes of accidents. But the following behaviors cause more accidents than others:

    • Driving distracted, such as driving while texting or rubbernecking
    • Driving while fatigued
    • Driving while in a state of intoxication from alcohol, illicit drugs, or another substance
    • Failing to yield or stop at traffic lights or signs
    • Tailgating
    • Excessive speeding
    • Displaying road rage.

    Operating a vehicle that is not safe for the road is also a cause of accidents in Valley Stream, NY.

  • What happens if an uninsured driver hits me?

    If the driver who caused your crash is uninsured, you can use your PIP insurance to cover some of your losses. However, if you have been seriously injured, you will have to make a claim against your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage or sue the uninsured motorist directly.

If you have more questions, an experienced Valley Stream car accident lawyer will gladly answer them for you. Contact our office today.

Meet With A Valley Stream, NY, Car Accident Lawyer

We Are Ready to Fight for The Funds You Need!

Has a car accident in Valley Stream injured you or someone you love? If so, Tucker Lawyers can help you understand the next steps toward getting the compensation you deserve. Our Valley Stream car accident team is ready to fight to get you the compensation payout that will make a difference in your circumstances.

Call Tucker Lawyers today at (516) 399-2364 for a complimentary consultation regarding your case. We are ready to listen and fight for you.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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