A Hit and Run Accident Attorney in Queens Helping People Recover Compensation

Being involved in a crash caused by another driver’s negligence can be deeply traumatic and frustrating. In Queens, hit-and-run accidents occur frequently, including accidents involving motor vehicles striking pedestrians and bicyclists.

Even more distressing than the accident is the experience of being struck by a driver who flees the scene. If you’re in a hit-and-run accident in Queens, you need an aggressive attorney to understand your options and advocate for your rights.

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a hit-and-run accident, contact Tucker Lawyers P.C. hit-and-run accident attorney. Our dedicated team of attorneys is here to fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

A hit-and-run accident attorney can help you right these wrongs. Contact the hit-and-run professionals at Tucker Lawyers P.C. at (516) 399-2364 for your free case review.

What Is Considered a Hit and Run Accident?

A hit-and-run accident occurs when a driver involved in a motor vehicle accident causing property damage or personal injury flees the scene instead of stopping as required by law. In New York, it is unlawful for a driver to leave the accident site without providing their name, address, driver’s license, and auto insurance information to any injured party or the police.

Studies by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shed light on the possible motivations behind hit-and-run incidents. Here are why hit-and-run drivers flee the scene:

  • Driving the vehicle without a valid driver’s license
  • Attempting to conceal their involvement in a car accident
  • Driving without insurance coverage
  • Trying to hide criminal activity, such as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Unaware that they were involved in a crash.

According to AAA, fatal hit-and-run accidents often involve young men with a history of prior drunk driving convictions and license suspensions. Additionally, they may be driving without any liability insurance.

As per the AAA’s findings, pedestrians represent most victims in hit-and-run crashes. Over a 30-year study period, approximately 1 in 5 pedestrian deaths resulted from hit-and-run incidents.

Have you or a loved one been injured in a hit-and-run accident? Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation.

Who’s Liable for a Hit-and-Run Accident in Queens?

Getting involved in a hit-and-run accident in Queens can be incredibly frustrating, but you can pursue compensation through your insurance policy. New York is a no-fault car insurance state, mandating all drivers to carry personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. PIP is designed to cover the policyholder’s economic losses irrespective of fault. So, even if the responsible driver flees the scene, your PIP policy will still cover your initial damages.

Car owners must maintain a minimum of $50,000 in no-fault auto insurance coverage, commonly called Personal Injury Protection (PIP). This crucial coverage extends to the driver and all passengers who sustain injuries in the policyholder’s vehicle following a hit-and-run accident.

The basic no-fault auto insurance coverage offers essential benefits, including:

  • Coverage for reasonable and necessary medical and rehabilitation expenses related to the accident.
  • Compensation of 80% of lost earnings from work, with a maximum payment of $2,000 monthly for up to three years from the accident date.
  • Reimbursement of up to $25 per day for a year from the accident date to cover other reasonable and necessary expenses. This includes transportation costs to and from medical treatments connected to the car accident.
  • A $2,000 death benefit is payable to the estate of a person eligible for no-fault benefits who lost their life in a motor vehicle accident.

Furthermore, New York auto insurance also requires motorists to have uninsured motorist coverage (UIM), which applies when they’re in an accident with an uninsured or hit-and-run driver. If your damages exceed your PIP coverage in a serious hit-and-run accident, your insurance may still fully cover you through an uninsured/underinsured motorist claim.

UIM coverage aligns with the minimum bodily injury limits of liability insurance in New York, as follows:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury (not resulting in death) sustained by a single person in any accident, or $50,000 for injuries resulting in death to a person in any accident.
  • $50,000 for bodily injury (not resulting in death) sustained by two or more people in any accident, or $100,000 for injuries resulting in death to two or more persons in any one accident (with consideration of the per-person limits mentioned above).

In certain cases, locating and identifying the hit-and-run driver is possible. If they have insurance and your injuries exceed New York’s serious injury threshold, you can file a claim against the at-fault driver for damages. However, it’s unfortunate that many hit-and-run drivers lack insurance or have insufficient coverage to compensate for the victim’s losses. Therefore, PIP and uninsured motorist coverage become crucial elements in these accidents.

An experienced Queens hit-and-run accident lawyer can help identify other potential policies or coverage options. For instance, are there any third parties who contributed to the crash? Each hit-and-run accident claim is unique, making it essential to work with an experienced Queens car crash lawyer who can explore every possible avenue to secure financial compensation for your damages.

We represent hit-and-run accident victims in Queens. Contact our Queens hit-and-run lawyer at (516) 399-2364 for assistance and more information.

How Can Tucker Hit-and-Run Accident Attorneys Help Me?

Hit-and-run accident claims can be extremely complicated, leaving you frustrated, stressed, and bewildered. Tucker Lawyers P.C., hit-and-run accident lawyers, will guide you through the entire process of pursuing compensation for your car crash injuries. Our experienced Queens auto accident lawyers are well-prepared to offer the following services:

  • Conduct a thorough and complimentary review of your hit-and-run accident claim
  • Investigate the crash meticulously, gathering all relevant evidence and crucial information
  • Take proactive measures to identify the responsible driver and explore all potential sources of compensation
  • Skillfully represent you in any settlement negotiations with the insurance company
  • Devise a comprehensive hit-and-run accident claims strategy focused on achieving your best possible outcome.

Our legal team provides personalized guidance to each client, ensuring that when you reach out to us, we will diligently investigate your case, accurately assess your damages, and explore all avenues for financial recovery. With a track record of successful case results and glowing testimonials from former clients, you can rely on our Queens hit-and-run lawyers to deliver reliable representation.

What Type of Compensation Can I Recover in a Hit-and-Run Accident Claim in Queens?

After experiencing a severe hit-and-run crash in Queens, getting monetary compensation becomes crucial to cover vehicle repairs, medical expenses, and other damages. In New York, the amount you can recover from a hit-and-run accident depends on various factors, particularly the extent of the accident’s severity.

Unfortunately, dealing with large insurance companies can make it challenging for victims to secure the full financial support they deserve. At Tucker Lawyers P.C., our dedicated Queens car accident lawyers are committed to helping hit-and-run victims maximize their recovery. Your settlement or verdict may encompass financial relief for the following:

  • Motor vehicle repairs or replacement
  • Ambulance fees and emergency room care
  • Hospital bills and medical expenses
  • Loss of current and future wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical scarring or disfigurement
  • Long-term disability
  • Wrongful death of a family member.

What Happens After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

The moments following a hit-and-run accident are crucial, and knowing what steps to take is important. Here are some steps to follow after a hit-and-run accident:

  • Get immediate medical attention or ask for help. If injured, remain still until a first responder treats your wounds.
  • Call 911 and report the incident.
  • If your vehicle is drivable and you can do so safely, move it out of the flow of traffic.
  • Take note of any details you can remember about the car, driver, make, or license plate. These details can quickly fade from memory after an accident.
  • Gather contact information from witnesses who may have seen or remembered anything related to the incident.
  • Use your phone to take pictures of the accident scene to document evidence.
  • Cooperate with the police and assist them in preparing their report.
  • Visit a doctor promptly to document your injuries and receive necessary medical treatment.

Time is of the essence after a car accident, as evidence begins to fade, witness recollections fade, and official reports are filed away. Additionally, the statute of limitations starts ticking, and finding the responsible party becomes more challenging as days pass. Therefore, it is crucial to act swiftly to ensure you have a chance at receiving just and fair compensation.

Contact a Queens Hit and Run Accident Attorney at Tucker Lawyers P.C.

If you or your loved one has been injured, or even worse, in a hit-and-run accident, we understand the overwhelming challenges you may be facing. Let Tucker hit-and-run accident lawyers help you navigate your claim toward the best possible resolution as you focus on your journey toward a complete physical and emotional recovery.

With years of experience and genuine care for our clients, we are dedicated to providing the support and legal expertise needed to seek the compensation you deserve.

For a free consultation, contact our Queens hit & run lawyer at (516) 399-2364.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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