Among the five boroughs of New York City, Brooklyn is a dynamic and populated urban area housing millions of people. Its vibrant life is undeniable, but accidents leading to spinal cord injuries can strike at any moment. During such unfortunate events, an experienced professional in New York personal injury law becomes indispensable: a seasoned Brooklyn spinal cord injury attorney from Tucker Lawyers PC.

The Role of a Lawyer in Brooklyn Spinal Cord Injuries

The legal landscape surrounding spinal cord injury cases can be complex and daunting. In such situations, a specialized personal injury lawyer is crucial in guiding the victim and their family through the labyrinth of legal procedures, ensuring they comprehend their rights and available choices.

Such an attorney possesses the skills to collect and examine evidence, collaborate with medical professionals, negotiate with insurance companies, and present the client’s case in court when necessary. Their main objective is to secure maximum compensation for the client to cover medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Determining Negligence in Brooklyn Spinal Cord Injury Cases

Negligence is a central and often invoked notion in personal injury law, including spinal cord injury cases. To demonstrate negligence, four crucial elements must be proven: duty of care, breach of that duty, causation, and damages.

Duty of Care

The duty of care principle refers to an individual’s legal responsibility to prevent causing harm to others. For instance, drivers must drive safely and adhere to traffic laws as their duty of care to others on the road. Similarly, property owners should maintain safe conditions and warn about potential hazards, and healthcare professionals are expected to provide competent patient care.

Breach of Duty

A breach of duty takes place when an individual fails to fulfill their duty of care. This can be through action, like a driver disregarding a red light, or inaction, such as a property owner not fixing a hazardous situation. The key to establishing a breach of duty is demonstrating that a reasonably careful person in the same situation would have acted differently.


Legally speaking, causation links the breach of duty directly to the injury. It is insufficient to prove negligence. It must also be shown to directly lead to spinal cord injury. This usually involves showing that the injury wouldn’t have happened ‘but for’ the defendant’s negligence and that the injury was a foreseeable outcome of the defendant’s actions or inactions.


Lastly, damages pertain to the actual harm or loss resulting from the injury. These can be physical, emotional, or financial. Evidence of damages may be derived from medical bills, wage records, and testimonies about the victim’s physical and emotional suffering.

The Complexity of Proving Negligence

Establishing negligence in a spinal cord injury case can be intricate. It typically demands detailed investigation, expert testimonies, and a comprehensive understanding of personal injury law. An experienced attorney is an invaluable ally in these cases, capable of compiling and presenting the required evidence and constructing a compelling argument to prove all four elements of negligence.

Damages and Recoverable Compensation in Brooklyn Spinal Cord Injury Cases

In spinal cord injuries, damages are typically categorized into three primary areas: Economic, noneconomic, and punitive damages.

Economic Damages

Economic or special damages are measurable costs directly linked to the injury. They intend to reimburse the victim for financial losses they’ve experienced or are expected to experience due to the injury. The primary types of economic damages include:


  • Medical expenses: These include hospital stays, surgeries, medication, diagnostic tests, doctor visits, physical therapy, and any other necessary treatment for the victim’s recovery.
  • Future medical costs: As spinal cord injuries often require continuing medical care, victims may need additional surgeries, rehabilitation, or long-term medication. Future medical care costs are usually estimated by medical experts and included in the compensation claim.
  • Lost wages: The victim can be compensated for lost earnings if the spinal cord injury resulted in missed work.
  • Loss of earning capacity: If the injury impacts the victim’s ability to work in the future, they can be compensated for potential future income loss.
  • Property damage: If personal property (such as a car in an auto accident) was damaged in the incident causing the spinal cord injury, the victim could be compensated for the repair or replacement cost.

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic or general damages compensate the victim for nonquantifiable losses due to the injury. These include:

  • Pain and suffering: This refers to the physical pain and discomfort caused by the injury.
  • Emotional distress: This encompasses the psychological impact of the injury, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Loss of enjoyment of life: This refers to the reduction in life quality due to the injury, including the loss of enjoyment in activities the victim used to partake in before the injury.
  • Loss of consortium: Spouses of spinal cord injury victims can claim loss of consortium, which is the loss of benefits of a family relationship due to injuries.

Punitive Damages

While not granted in every case, punitive damages apply when the defendant’s conduct is especially reckless or malicious. Punitive damages are not to compensate the victim but to punish the defendant and deter similar conduct.

Defining Fault in Brooklyn Spinal Cord Injury Cases

In New York, comparative negligence determines fault in personal injury cases. This implies a party can recover damages even if they were partially responsible for their injury. However, their recoverable damages will be lessened by their percentage of fault.

For instance, if a victim is found to be 20% responsible for their injury, they can still recover 80% of their total damages from other liable parties. Identifying fault can be complicated and often demands the analysis and advocacy of a skilled attorney.

FAQs about Brooklyn Spinal Cord Injuries

We will always answer your questions before moving forward, and some of the most common questions people ask us include:

  • Can preexisting conditions impact a spinal cord injury claim?

    Yes, preexisting conditions can complicate a spinal cord injury claim. Defendants and insurance companies frequently utilize preexisting conditions to minimize the compensation they must pay, arguing that the accident alone did not cause the injury, but the preexisting condition also contributed. Nonetheless, a competent lawyer can counter these arguments. Many jurisdictions apply the “eggshell skull rule,” which states that defendants must accept the victim as they find them. If your preexisting condition made you more susceptible to injury, it does not absolve or limit the defendant’s liability.

  • How long does a spinal cord injury case take to settle in Brooklyn?

    The duration of a spinal cord injury case can vary significantly based on numerous factors. These include the case’s complexity, the injuries’ severity, the clarity of fault, and the parties’ willingness to settle. Some cases can be resolved in a few months, while others may take years. It’s vital to understand that although a quicker settlement might seem desirable, it may not always be beneficial. A competent attorney will ensure that all aspects of your case, including future medical costs and long-term impacts of your injury, are thoroughly considered before agreeing to a settlement.

  • How do I find the right lawyer for my spinal cord injury case in Brooklyn?

    Finding the right lawyer for your spinal cord injury case requires research, recommendations, and consultation. Search for attorneys specializing in personal injury law with experience handling spinal cord injury cases. Verify their qualifications, track record, and client feedback. Obtain recommendations from friends, family, or other professionals. Most law firms offer free initial consultations.
    Use this chance to assess whether the lawyer understands your case, has a clear plan, and communicates effectively. Ask them about their experience with similar cases, their approach to your case, and their fee structure.

  • What is the role of a life care planner in a spinal cord injury case?

    A life care planner is a professional who evaluates the long-term needs of individuals with severe injuries like spinal cord injuries. They consider all aspects of a victim’s care, including future medical needs, therapeutic interventions, adaptive equipment, modifications to living environments, and other specialized services. They then prepare a detailed life care plan outlining and costing these future needs. This document plays a pivotal role in spinal cord injury cases, as it delivers a transparent, data-backed projection of anticipated expenses. This ensures the victim secures sufficient compensation for these future financial burdens.

  • Can family members claim compensation in spinal cord injury cases?

    Yes, in certain cases, family members may be entitled to compensation. If a family member has been caring for the injured person, they may be compensated for their time and expenses. Additionally, spouses may be able to claim for loss of consortium, a legal term referring to the loss of companionship, affection, comfort, and sexual relations due to their partner’s injury. Additionally, parents may be eligible to seek compensation for the loss of services a child provides, and the same applies in reverse. The exact nature of what can be claimed depends on the respective state laws and the particular situation of the case, making legal consultation a prudent step.

These may not be your only questions; our attorneys will discuss your specific concerns in your initial consult.

Why Choose Our Experienced Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers in Brooklyn

Depend on the Experience of Tucker Lawyers

If you’re seeking a competent legal team in Brooklyn, consider contacting Tucker Lawyers. Our attorneys have the specialized knowledge and experience to secure rightful compensation for our clients following a spinal cord injury.

Remember: We don’t get paid unless you do, too.

We firmly believe that justice must be served for all victims, and we’re dedicated to tenaciously pursuing the financial restitution you deserve after a spinal cord injury. Understanding that life can change instantly, we aim to help you regain stability and normalcy. As you focus on your recovery, we’ll proficiently handle the intricacies of your injury claim. Trust our team to passionately fight for your right to full compensation after suffering a spinal cord injury in Brooklyn.

Contact us at (516) 399-2364 for a free consultation with a Brooklyn spinal cord injury lawyer.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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