How Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Queens Can Help You

Motorcycles offer a unique sense of freedom and excitement that sets them apart from other vehicles. However, this increased exposure on the road also makes motorcyclists more vulnerable to severe accidents and life-altering injuries. Motorcycle accidents can be incredibly distressing for those involved and their loved ones, as the lack of structural protection can lead to a wide range of injuries, necessitating a lengthy recovery.

The aftermath can be overwhelming if you have been in a motorcycle accident in Queens. Severe injuries may leave you unable to work while medical bills and paperwork mount, adding to the stress. At times like these, you may feel exhausted and unsure about how to move forward. Tucker Lawyers P.C. is here to ease your burden.

If you’ve suffered a motorcycle accident in Queens due to negligence, you can file a motorcycle accident claim. Contact our Queens car accident lawyers at (516) 399-2364 for a free legal consultation.

At Tucker Lawyers, We Will Fight for Full Compensation in Your Case

Our Queens Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Will Never Accept Less than You Deserve

According to the monthly motor vehicle collision report from the Police Department of New York City, Queens witnessed 2,148 motor vehicle accidents in June 2023. Among these incidents, 107 were specifically motorcycle-related.

When you find yourself in a motorcycle accident, sharing your account of the incident may seem natural when the involved insurance companies contact you. However, it’s essential to recognize that insurance companies are not working in your best interests; their primary goal is to minimize payouts.

Insurance providers aim to pay the least possible for each claim, and even innocent comments you make during your statement could be used against you if your case ends up in court. To safeguard your rights and pursue the rightful compensation you deserve, it’s vital to enlist the services of a motorcycle accident lawyer.

Our dedicated attorneys are committed to advocating for the rights of bikers whose lives have been affected by preventable accidents. We understand the challenges you face, and we are prepared to fight on your behalf. With Tucker Lawyers P.C. by your side, you can begin to rebuild your life. Contact us at (516) 399-2364 for a free legal consultation.

When you choose Tucker Lawyers P.C., we can help you with the following:

  • Analysis of Your Motorcycle Accident: We leave no stone unturned when investigating a motorcycle accident. Our lawyers conduct an in-depth analysis of the incident’s facts and circumstances. This includes interviewing witnesses, obtaining crucial police reports, and carefully evaluating all involved parties to determine potential liability.
  • Effective Negotiation: Our priority is to secure fair and prompt client settlements. We approach negotiations assertively, advocating for your rights and striving to achieve the best possible outcomes. However, when negotiation alone does not yield the desired results, we are fully prepared to take your case to court and litigate on your behalf.
  • Identifying the At-Fault Parties: Pinpointing responsibility is crucial to seeking financial recovery for your incurred costs.
  • Working with Witnesses: If available, we will collaborate with witnesses to accurately represent your case.
  • Pursuing Maximum Compensation: With our expertise, we will strive to secure the highest possible compensation for your damages.
  • Comprehensive Representation: You can count on us to handle every aspect of your case. We handle all the legal intricacies, including communication with opposing attorneys and insurance companies. With our firm by your side, you can focus on your recovery, knowing that your case is in capable hands.

At Tucker Lawyers P.C., we have a proven track record of standing up against the tactics employed by insurance companies to withhold rightful payments. We are dedicated to securing fair settlements covering all losses from auto accidents, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Let us fight for your rights and help you obtain the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Talk to our motorcycle accident attorney in Queens about your case. We are ready to advocate for you and get the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (516) 399-2364.

What to Do After a Motorcycle Crash

After experiencing a motorcycle accident, taking the following steps is crucial to protect your rights:

  • Get Immediate Medical Attention: Your health is of utmost importance. Even if you feel fine initially, get a comprehensive medical evaluation as soon as possible. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent but require prompt medical care.
  • Call the Police: Contacting the police after the accident is essential. They will create an accident report, which can be valuable when making a compensation claim. When speaking to the police, provide a straightforward account of the incident without assigning blame.
  • Document the Accident Scene: Take photos, including close-ups of the motorcycle and any other vehicle damage and broader shots to capture road conditions and skid marks. Collect any other relevant information that might help support your accident claim.
  • Limit Discussions at the Accident Scene: Avoid discussing the details with others involved in the confusion following an accident. Focus on gathering essential documents for the police, such as vehicle registration.
  • Obtain Witness Contact Information: If witnesses are present, try to get their names and contact details. They can be instrumental in supporting your case.
  • Consult a Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Queens: Contact Tucker Lawyers P.C. immediately. We will guide you through the necessary steps following an accident and start building your accident claim. We will protect your rights and pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

By following these steps and seeking legal representation, you can confidently navigate the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, knowing that your best interests are being protected.

What Kind of Compensation Can You Get After a Motorcycle Accident?

The costs from a severe motorcycle injury can quickly accumulate to hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. If another party is responsible for putting you in this difficult situation, you have the right to pursue an injury claim or lawsuit to hold them accountable. By doing so, you may be eligible to seek compensation for a wide range of damages, including:

  • Present and future medical bills
  • Rehabilitation expenses
  • Property damage
  • Lost income and wages
  • Disability
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Chronic pain
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Punitive/exemplary damages
  • Disfigurement, and more.

To ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve from insurance companies, contact Tucker Lawyers P.C. We will consult with accident and injury experts to thoroughly understand the extent and implications of your motorcycle crash injuries. With this comprehensive understanding, we can effectively negotiate for a substantial financial award on your behalf. Don’t settle for less than you are entitled to—let us fight for your rights and secure the compensation you need to recover and move forward.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

A motorcycle accident can result in catastrophic injuries. Some of those serious injuries include:

Determining Fault in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Queens, NY

Insurance adjusters and defense attorneys may attempt to place the blame on the motorcyclist, alleging that they caused their own injuries. However, there is a silver lining in New York’s pure comparative negligence rule, which allows you to seek damages even if you were partly responsible for the accident.

According to C.V.P. Law § 1411, if the court determines that you share some fault for the accident, your awarded damages will be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you. For instance, if you were granted $100,000 for damages in a successful lawsuit but found 10% at fault, your total award would be adjusted to $90,000. As long as you are not deemed 100% responsible for the accident, New York’s comparative negligence law ensures you can still pursue compensation for your injuries.

FAQs about Queens Motorcycle Accidents

Common Questions Our Queens Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Hear from Clients

  • What is the Statute of Limitations for Queens motorcycle accident cases?

    New York’s Statute of Limitations limits you to three years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury claim for damages. Waiting too long could result in the expiration of your claim, leaving you with no possibility of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

  • Is it necessary to call the police after a motorcycle accident?

    Yes, it is essential to call the police after a motorcycle accident in Queens. They will create an official accident report, which can be crucial for insurance claims and any legal proceedings that may follow.

  • Should I speak with the insurance company without a lawyer?

    It’s generally advisable to consult a lawyer before speaking with the insurance company. Insurance companies may use your statements against you to minimize liability and offer lower settlements.

  • How long does resolving a motorcycle accident case in Queens take?

    The time to resolve a motorcycle accident case depends on several factors, including the complexity of the case and whether a settlement can be reached outside of court.

Don’t see an answer to your question? We are happy to help. Contact our motorcycle accident attorney in Queens to discuss your case. We welcome you to contact us with any other questions you may have.

Contact an Experienced Queens Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you or your loved one have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, our team of experienced Queens motorcycle accident lawyers is here to ensure you receive the rightful compensation necessary for a full recovery. Contact Tucker Lawyers at (516) 399-2364  to schedule your free evaluation.

Remember: We don’t get paid unless you do, too.

For a free consultation, contact our team of Queens Motorcycle accident lawyers at (516) 399-2364.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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