As if a car accident is not bad enough, a hit-and-run accident adds insult to injury. Sometimes, victims return to their parked cars to find new dents or damage. Other times, victims are in their cars when hit and watch as the other driver speeds away.

If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, there are steps you can take to mitigate your losses. One important step is to connect with a New York City car accident lawyer from Tucker Lawyers. A Bronx hit-and-run lawyer from our team will help you sort through the aftermath of your accident and secure compensation for your damages.

Why Choose Tucker Lawyers?

We understand the frustration and confusion that follow an accident, and upon our first meeting with you, we will conduct a needs assessment to see what support, along with our legal support, can help move you toward recovery.

Then, we focus on building a strong case to prove your claim, keeping you informed throughout the process. When you partner with a Bronx hit-and-run lawyer from Tucker Lawyers, you will never be left to wonder about your case’s progress or with unanswered questions. We welcome your questions and work hard to keep you informed.

How We Can Help

Hit-and-run events are especially unfair. Someone else damages your property and then leaves you to clean up the mess they created. When you partner with a Bronx hit-and-run accident lawyer, you do not have to clean up that mess alone. Your attorney will look into your accident, work with your insurance company so you get the coverage you deserve, and, if the perpetrator is located, help you pursue a claim against them.

The attorneys at Tucker Lawyers are dedicated to serving residents of New York City (NYC) and the surrounding areas. We know New York’s laws and want to see victims of preventable and/or intentional actions get justice and fair compensation for the losses they have sustained.

What to Do After a Bronx Hit-and-Run Accident

New York law requires drivers to stop when involved in an accident. Even the driver not at fault for the incident must stop, exchange contact and insurance information with others involved, and, if there are injuries or more than $1,500 worth of damage, call the police and file a report.

Drivers who hit parked and unoccupied cars must leave a note with their contact information on the car’s windshield and call the police to report the incident if they cannot locate the vehicle owner.

Despite these laws, hit-and-run accidents still occur. However, there are proactive steps victims can take to work toward justice. 

  • Call the police. Even if you do not sustain injuries, it is in your best interest to file an official report. Police can find the perpetrator only if they know a hit and run has occurred.
  • Document the details: Write down everything you can remember about the accident, including those about the car that hit you, the direction the other vehicle was traveling, license plate information, and any physical description of the driver. If you were not present when the accident occurred, note what damage the vehicle sustained, how long the car was unattended, and any other relevant information.
  • Take pictures: Document the damage to the car, and take pictures of the accident scene overall.
  • Talk to witnesses: Get contact information from bystanders who saw the accident. If there are businesses with security cameras nearby, ask if they can access footage of the accident.
  • Get medical care: If you were in the car at the time of the accident, get medical attention even if you think your injuries are only minor. The effects of some damage can take time to appear.
  • Call Tucker Lawyers to partner with a Bronx hit-and-run lawyer.
  • Report the incident to your insurance company, but if you have not first spoken with an attorney, watch your words carefully. Stick to the facts of the situation without speculating.

How A Bronx Hit-and-Run Lawyer Will Help You

A skilled Bronx hit-and-run lawyer can help you from the very start by investigating the accident, negotiating with your insurance company, and, if possible and warranted, filing a third-party injury claim against the at-fault driver.

Investigating the Accident

Many times, victims cannot locate the hit-and-run driver responsible for their damages. However, an experienced Bronx hit-and-run lawyer has the resources and know-how to investigate the accident more fully and may find the offender. In that best-case scenario, your lawyer can then help you file a third-party lawsuit against the at-fault driver if your injuries are severe.

Drivers that hit you and stop and exchange information are also considered “hit and run” if they give false information. Your lawyer can investigate the situation as well, but to protect yourself, if a driver stops, take pictures of their car and license plate and driver’s license.

Your attorney will also carry out a thorough analysis of the accident overall, discovering details and evidence to build your case and prove your damages.

Negotiating with Insurance

New York state drivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) since New York is a no-fault state. The no-fault status means that drivers use their own PIP to cover their injuries if they are involved in an accident, no matter who is at fault. While PIP covers injuries and other “reasonable and necessary” accident-related expenses, it does not cover damage to the car or non-economic damages such as pain and suffering.

Drivers must also carry minimum liability insurance if an injured person makes a claim against them, and uninsured motorist insurance (UMI), should they sustain damages in an accident with an uninsured driver. UMI can cover vehicle damage, but only if the victim can prove the damage came from contact with another vehicle.

Though it seems only fair that your insurance company covers your needs with the policy you have paid for, fairness does not rule the day in the insurance business. Your insurance company will look to cover as little as possible and interpret “reasonable and necessary” according to their needs, not yours. A Bronx hit-and-run attorney will advocate for your best interests and hold the insurance company accountable.

Proving Negligence in a Bronx Hit and Run

If the police or your attorney locates the offending driver, you may pursue a third-party personal injury claim if you have sustained serious injuries.

Through careful evidence gathering, your Bronx hit-and-run accident lawyer will work to prove the driver’s negligent or reckless actions caused the accident leading to your injuries and damages, so you can collect a settlement.

Compensation from a Third-Party Claim

A settlement from a successful third-party claim can be substantial, covering your . . .

  • Current and future accident-related medical costs
  • Damaged property
  • Wages lost during recovery time and future wages if you must stay out of work
  • Additional accident-related expenses
  • Emotional suffering and physical pain.

Understanding Fault in New York

When you can file a third-party claim in New York, your compensation is affected by the state’s pure comparative fault system. If you bear any fault for the accident, you can still file a claim, but your compensation is lowered according to your percentage of fault.

Though the court is likely to be sympathetic to the victim, the at-fault driver’s representation will still work to protect their client from paying out significant compensation. Do not let the at-fault party victimize you twice. Instead, protect yourself with the aggressive advocacy of a Bronx hit-and-run lawyer from Tucker Lawyers.

FAQs about Bronx Hit-and-Run Accidents

  • Should I try to catch the driver myself?

    No. Car chases are dangerous, and you do not know if the offender is drunk, carrying a weapon, or prone to violence.

  • Should I discuss the accident and my condition with my insurance company?

    Do not have lengthy conversations with your insurance company. Do not say you are uninjured or have only minor injuries. You may innocently say, “I think I’m ok,” only to have them use your words against you if injuries worsen later. You can let them know you will be seeking medical attention.

  • Do hit-and-run drivers face criminal penalties?

    Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime. If offenders are caught, they will face criminal penalties. However, those charges and penalties are separate from any civil action you take against the offender. Whether or not they are convicted of a crime, you may still receive a personal injury settlement.

  • Why do drivers flee the scene?

    There are as many answers to this question as there are hit and run drivers. Sometimes, the driver may panic and turn themselves in later. They may be intoxicated or on probation and fear further penalties. Whatever the reason, leaving the scene is illegal and only leads to more trouble.

Justice for Bronx Hit-and-Run Victims

You may face more obstacles when pursuing compensation for a hit-and-run accident than for an accident when the at-fault party is known. While frustrating, these obstacles are not a reason to give up. Call (516) 399-2364 or submit a request for a free consultation with a Bronx hit-and-run lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. The strategic, knowledgeable team at Tucker Lawyers is on your side and ready to fight for justice.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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