Suffering injuries and recovering after an accident on the job puts a huge burden on you and your family. You must focus on healing, but concern over paying your doctor bills and everyday expenses can leave you worried and stressed. Instead of facing this situation alone, speak with a skilled Bronx work injury lawyer from Tucker Lawyers PC to understand all the options you may have for benefits and compensation.

Our personal injury attorneys in the Bronx are ready to discuss your circumstances and educate you so you can make informed decisions. We push back on employers and insurance companies who try to take advantage of you. Beginning with a free case evaluation, we offer our skills and experience to support your physical, financial, and emotional recovery. Contact us to schedule a meeting today.

Why Should I Get Help From a Workplace Injury Attorney at Tucker Lawyers?

New York State personal injury law and workers’ compensation insurance are complicated, more so than many other states. NY has many protections in place for employees who are injured at work, but interpreting those laws in your favor takes a strong background and years of experience.

Tucker Lawyers are skilled in assessing your case and determining the most advantageous approach to secure the best outcome for you. We have a long history of winning results, and we put that same dedication and tenacity to work for you. We have helped hundreds of individuals through the workers’ compensation claim process and assisted many others through their third-party or personal injury lawsuits.

Lead attorney Jared Tucker manages a team of compassionate lawyers who serve our community with integrity and a commitment to excellence in everything we do. We want to get you the financial relief you need so you can return to the work you love.

How a Bronx Work Injury Lawyer Can Help When You Are Hurt on the Job

Workers’ compensation will cover most job-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses, but even managing a claim successfully requires a thorough understanding of how the system works. If you are not eligible for workers’ comp coverage, you have additional options for finding financial support.

A qualified Bronx work injury attorney can help you examine other options, which can include:

  • Filing for federal disability benefits: Depending on your work history and income status, you could apply for Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income.
  • Filing a personal injury claim: If a coworker assaulted you or caused your injury maliciously, you may be able to hold them personally responsible with the help of a personal injury lawyer from our team.
  • Filing a third-party liability claim: If you’re hurt or sick due to the actions of a person or company other than your employer, you can file an insurance claim or lawsuit against them for compensation.

There are ways to pursue multiple avenues for financial remedy, and your work injury lawyer in the Bronx can guide you through these decisions. We can manage all the confusing aspects of your case while you concentrate on getting better.

Potential Options for Securing Compensation After a Bronx Workplace Injury

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board oversees the process of employers providing workers’ comp insurance and that of employees accessing the benefits. Workers’ comp pays for your medical care and part of your wages, regardless of who is responsible for your injury. Despite this, applying successfully for payments can be challenging.

If you were injured on purpose by another person, you could file a personal injury lawsuit against them to recover the compensation you need. In situations where you are harmed by a vendor, contractor, security guard, or a company employing them, you could have the option of filing against their insurance or suing them as a third party.

In all these possibilities, you will need superior legal representation to ensure the other side doesn’t take advantage of you. Tucker Lawyers will push for everything you deserve, identifying all at-fault parties, developing evidence for your claim, and negotiating a fair settlement.

Possible Damages in a Third-Party or Personal Injury Lawsuit From a Bronx Work Injury

If you receive worker’s compensation, your doctor bills and wages will be paid as benefits. However, if you are filing a third-party insurance claim or lawsuit, you’ll need to calculate a full estimate of your damages, both economic and non-economic. Our Bronx work injury lawyers will help you identify losses you may have overlooked, as well as common ones such as:

  • Doctor and hospital bills
  • Therapy and rehabilitation expenses
  • Unpaid wages and lost benefits
  • Compensation for a disability if you cannot return to your job
  • Travel costs for treatment
  • Home services while you recover (cooking, cleaning, maintenance).

Every penny of your damages must be repaid to make you whole. Those responsible for your harm must provide financial relief since you wouldn’t have suffered these problems if they hadn’t caused your injury. The worry over how to pay your bills and support yourself alone can take a significant toll on your emotional and psychological health.

Workplace Injuries Cause Significant Subjective Losses

Emotional harm doesn’t have a fixed monetary value like a doctor’s bill does, but it doesn’t mean these costs are invalid. According to the Consortium for Health and Military Performance (CHAMP), your mental health is a substantial factor in how quickly and how well you recover from physical injury or illness.

The damages you seek from those to blame for your injury must include a value for these non-economic or subjective losses. When you have the resources to heal on all levels, you can return to your life and job stronger than if you are overwhelmed with fear about a financial crisis.

Tucker work injury attorneys have helped clients with securing compensation for losses such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Damage to your personal and professional relationships
  • Depression
  • Emotional distress
  • Isolation
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of purpose
  • Mental anguish
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

When you are proud of what you do and how well you do it, you may build a lot of your identity on your job. When you lose that purpose, even to heal from an injury, you can feel frightened and unsure. Our team will work to help you through this difficult time and put you back on the path to wellness.

FAQs About Bronx Work Injuries

Common Questions Our Bronx Work Injury Lawyers Hear from Clients

  • Does my employer carry workers’ compensation insurance?

    In New York, every company with full- or part-time employees, full-time domestic workers, volunteers, or family members working must carry workers’ compensation insurance. If you are unsure if your employer has insurance or you suspect they may be out of compliance, a work injury lawyer can assist you in how to proceed.

  • Do I need a lawyer for a work injury?

    Filing a workers’ comp claim can be done on your own, but it’s worth the time it takes to sit down for a free consultation with a Bronx work injury attorney to understand the process. If your injury worsens, you may need guidance on providing the right documentation to ensure all your medical costs are covered.

  • What are my options for work injuries if I am an independent contractor?

    If you are an independent contractor, you’re not eligible for workers’ compensation. However, you may be able to file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit against a company you’re contracted with if they are responsible for your injury. The laws around who is an independent contractor and how to seek compensation can be complicated, so we definitely recommend you speak with an attorney before filing.

  • Are there employees in the Bronx who are not eligible for workers’ compensation coverage?

    Certain groups, such as police officers, uniformed firefighters, and interstate rail employees, are covered under specialized programs. The standard workers’ compensation does not apply. Your Tucker lawyer can advise you on what program applies to you.

Your work injury circumstances are unique and deserve a customized approach to meet your needs. If you have questions like these or other concerns, contact us to schedule a free consultation with a seasoned Bronx work injury attorney.

Depend on the Experience of Tucker Lawyers – Contact Us Today

Every work injury or illness deserves close attention and compensation when someone else is to blame for your harm. A problem that seems minor can quickly become life-threatening or change your everyday life for the worse. You could be left with a permanent disability, ending your career and the opportunity to provide for yourself.

Instead of facing these difficulties alone, turn to the experienced help of a Bronx work injury lawyer from Tucker Lawyers PC. We put our skills and dedication to work for you, fighting fiercely against insurance companies and defendants who want to keep you from receiving the justice and compensation you deserve. We can help you find the peace of mind that comes from securing the payment you need to fully recover.

Let us go to work on your case and hold negligent parties accountable for their actions. For a free consultation with a Bronx work injury lawyer, use our online form or call us at (516) 399-2364 today.

john tucker

Managing Attorney John. J. Tucker, Esq.

John has personally handled thousands of clients who were victims of another’s negligence and fights relentlessly for their rights. John enjoys bringing closure to a client’s matter so that the injured party can move forward with their life. His background enables him to evaluate complex liability related claims and bring resolution to claims in a record time frame. [ Attorney Bio ]

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